Expanding to the UK: Biotech & Life Sciences

Expanding to the UK: Biotech & Life Sciences

Thinking About Setting Up a Biotech Company in the UK? As a global leader in life sciences, one of the reasons the UK is such a popular place for biotech and life sciences companies is the unrivalled pool of talent. The UK has some of the world’s top universities...
A Step Closer to a Single R&D Tax Relief Scheme in the UK

A Step Closer to a Single R&D Tax Relief Scheme in the UK

In January 2023, the government asked for feedback on proposals to combine the UK’s two research & development (R&D) tax reliefs: the Research and Development Expenditure Credit (RDEC) and the SME R&D Tax Relief systems. The stated aim was to simplify the...
R&D Tax Relief: A Step Change in Compliance Requirements

R&D Tax Relief: A Step Change in Compliance Requirements

The UK’s Research & Development (R&D) regime has been in the news since the start of 2022. The Government has been concerned about both the quantum and quality of claims and has been at pains to reduce the perceived levels of abuse. The March 2023 Budget cast...